7 employers that will pay for your vacations

Best Tips: Saving on Vacation
Best Tips: Saving on Vacation

Many workplace benefits are dying out, but a few gems remain.

Vacation stipends are one example. They're offered by 3 percent of employers, according to the Society for Human Resource Management's latest annual benefits report.

We're not talking about paid vacation days, which are offered by 97 percent of employers, the report shows. We're talking about money employees can use to pay for their vacations.

CNN Money recently rounded up a few examples of employers that offer this rare perk. They are:

  1. AFAR Media

  2. Airbnb

  3. BambooHR

  4. Betabrand

  5. Evernote

  6. Full Contact

  7. G Adventures

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BambooHR explains in a recent company blog post why the software company covers employees' vacation expenses like plane tickets and hotel rooms:

We offer this benefit because we know that taking vacations and getting away from the office is sometimes exactly what we need to do great work. And by only allowing the money to be put towards vacation, it's guaranteed that employees get a much-needed holiday and BambooHR ensures the money is put to good use.

AFAR Media co-founder and CEO Greg Sullivan has similarly explained why the company — which publishes a travel magazine and website — gives employees a $2,000-per-year stipend "to travel to places they have never been." He wrote in an AFAR.com article last year:

We believe in the power of travel. It's good for the world and good for our bottom line. The best employees are those who are engaged with their work, engaged with the world, and energized by opportunities to see new and different things.

Do you work for one of the 3 percent of employers who offer paid-for vacations? Or do you wish you did? Let us know what you think of this benefit by commenting below or over on our Facebook page.

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