Hot drinks may cool you off faster in hot weather

Hot Drinks May Cool You Off Faster in Hot Weather
Hot Drinks May Cool You Off Faster in Hot Weather

By Buzz60

With temperatures reaching record-breaking highs in the summer, it may be tempting to reach for an ice cold beverage to cool you off.

This misconception has led companies like Capri Sun and Coors Light to center their ad campaigns suggesting their frosty drinks are just what you need to curb the heat.

However, new research is showing that a cold drink may not be the best way to cool off.

A university in the United Kingdom suggests swapping out those cold ones for something more like a hot tea.

No, this isn't just some "pro-tea" propaganda from the home of Earl Grey.

RELATED: Coffee and espresso drinks explained

Their research shows hot drinks push body temperature up, which leads to sweat. As you may have learned in your middle school science classes, sweat is your body's natural way of cooling off.

Unfortunately, it's also your body's natural way of producing a foul odor causing people to avoid you like a puddle on a street corner.

There is a caveat to the study. The research was done in a hot, but not humid, environment. There is also further research suggesting drinking cold drinks in extremely humid conditions is the best option.

No matter what you choose, if you're sweating bullets, please don't forget your deodorant.
