Use this trick to get the last bit of ketchup out of the bottle

Use This Trick to get the Last Bit of Ketchup Out of the Bottle
Use This Trick to get the Last Bit of Ketchup Out of the Bottle

By Amanda Kabbabe and Sean Dowling, Buzz60

We've all been there: You can see a few drops of ketchup in the bottle but can't seem to get it all out.

You turn that classic Heinz bottle upside down and shake it as hard as you can with no luck. Abandoning ketchup altogether isn't an option either, as there's nothing more disappointing than having to eat dry fries.

RELATED: 7 ways to cook with ketchup

Unfortunately, ketchup's consistency is more like toothpaste than anything. It doesn't exactly flow like a normal liquid would, and no matter how hard you try, the sauce stays put.

Instead of resorting to drastic measures and throwing your ketchup bottle into a blender, take note from Heinz's own website.

They advise, "To release ketchup faster from the glass bottle, apply a firm tap to the sweet spot on the neck of the bottle, the 57."

Welcome to the exclusive 11 percent of people who know this secret.

Who knew that number 57 serves more of a purpose than boasting about the mysterious varieties that no one has ever seen?

You could also simply buy a squeeze bottle, which dispenses ketchup much easier and saves you from a world of heartache.

While you're taking notes on ketchup, this is a good time for you to find out you've probably been using ketchup cups incorrectly.

Don't just stand them up and fill them with a tiny bit of sauce. Fanning them out gives you more room for ketchup and allows you to dunk more fries at a time.

There should never be a dry fry in the house.

RELATED: 7 french fries you have to try once in your life
