2 of Donald Trump's children painted a deeply personal picture of their father on second night of the RNC

Trump daughter Tiffany speaks at convention
Trump daughter Tiffany speaks at convention

Donald Trump's children sought to paint a personal picture of their father during signature Tuesday speeches before the Republican National Convention.

The Manhattan billionaire's lesser-known daughter, Tiffany, stepped into the spotlight first, characterizing her father as a caring, reliable figure in the family.

"He's always helped me be the best version of myself," she said.

Offering an anecdote, the 22-year-old offered explained that she had saved all her report cards from grade school because she likes to "look back and see the sweet notes" her father wrote "on each of them."

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Tiffany then touched on a more powerful story, explaining how her father helped her through a dark period in her life following the death of a friend.

"I believe a measure of a person is revealed in their darkest times. ... Without his unwavering support and care for me during such a challenging time, I don't know how I would have made it through," she said.

Tiffany concluded her speech: "I have admired my father all of my life, and I love him with all of my heart."

Donald Trump Jr., meanwhile, touted his father's business credentials, asserting that the Republican presidential nominee made hiring decisions based on "character and street smarts" rather than attendance at elite universities.

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"We didn't learn from MBAs. We learned from people who have doctorates in common sense," Trump said.

Donald Jr. added: "He didn't hide out behind some desk in an executive suite. He spent his career with regular Americans...He listened to them and he valued their opinion as much and often more than the guys from Harvard and Wharton, locked away in offices far from real work."

Donald Trump Jr. also painted Democrats as insensitive to American workers.

He criticized Democrats for stagnating wages and the party's support for a pathway to citizenship for individuals living in the US without permission, which Donald Trump Jr. claimed "favor illegals rather than those trying to go through the process legally."

Donald Trump is expected to accept the Republican nomination for president on Thursday night.

NOW WATCH: Watch Hillary's brutal attack ad showing children watching Trump's controversial statements

See Also:

SEE ALSO: Tiffany Trump just spoke at the RNC — here's what we know about her
