14 statements that will stop you from getting the salary you want

How to Negotiate a Salary
How to Negotiate a Salary

So you made it to the last stage of the job selection process and received that coveted job offer. Before you decide to accept it, however, there's one more important step you need to consider.

The next, and most crucial, step in accepting a job offer is negotiating your salary.

SEE ALSO: 11 things you should always say in a job interview

While many people are intimidated by this process, if you do your research and come ready with supporting information, the conversation with your potential employer can go much smoother than you think. One of the most important things to remember, however, is to be cautious of what you say during the negotiation. Certain words and phrases can ruin your chances of getting what you want.

According to HR expert Steve Kane, "Salary negotiations are like any other type of negotiations — except the words you use can be extremely powerful, since there is a personal aspect to the discussion." He adds, "The negotiation is not over the worth and price of an inanimate object, but rather the value of you to some enterprise."

If you're looking to land a great salary along with your dream job then steer clear of these off-putting statements in the slideshow below.

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