Get ready for tonight's Buck Moon!

Get Ready for the Buck Moon!
Get Ready for the Buck Moon!

Buck up and get ready for the Buck Moon.

If you're a fan of looking into the heavens, you may realize the moon looks a little different. Before you suggest it, no, the moon didn't get a haircut.

It's just the way a full moon looks like when it occurs in July. It's a great time to take a peek at the big ball of cheese in all its splendor.

In fact, this type of full moon even has a name: Buck Moon.

The Buck Moon isn't so special that it's the only moon to get its own name. According to the Farmer's Almanac, almost every full moon has a name.

January's full moon is called the Full Wolf Moon, which is an ode to those scary howling wolves.

Check out last month's Strawberry Moon:

The Full Snow is February's, and March's moon is called the Full Worm Moon. The latter name likely exists because it's usually around the time the ground begins to thaw and the worms come out to play.

April has the Pink Moon, May's is known as the Full Flower Moon, and June's is titled the Strawberry Moon.

The Sturgeon Moon comes after the Buck Moon in August, named because of the optimal fishing season.

September's big, bright moon is known as the Harvest Moon, which provides enough light for farmers to harvest even at night.

The Hunter's Moon makes an appearance in October, and is named after all those hunt-friendly, fat deer around.

November is the time of the Beaver Moon, and December's full moon is called the Full Night's Moon, because it's when the days are shortest.

Now, write all that down and be wary of the werewolf that may come out to play!
