4 reasons to regularly massage your dog

4 Reasons to Regularly Massage Your Dog
4 Reasons to Regularly Massage Your Dog

By Michelle Rosique, Buzz60

Everyone enjoys a good massage, even your dog!

If giving your dog the spa treatment seems a little silly, take a look at all the health benefits it promotes.

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Massaging can relieve anxiety and lower stress levels in anxious dogs. Massage your dog's head, neck and ear flaps with light pressure and a slow but consistent pace. If your dog flinches while being massaged, it's best to ease off a little.

Massage your dog's back and belly to help ease digestive issues. This will help your pup's stomach muscles relax and reduce gas and bloating.

A thorough massage can also help you discover any new abnormalities or health issues. Take note of any new lumps or bumps and make sure to bring these to your vet's attention.

For active or older dogs that have or are prone to arthritis, massaging their back legs can help reduce stiffness and improve flexibility.

There are so many ways that a massage can leave you with a happier, healthier pup!

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