It's summertime sadness for these bee-stung puppies

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It's summertime sadness for a lot of these pups, many of whom were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Apparently, it's so frequent for puppies to get stung, social media has deemed these balloon animals 'dogbees'.

It's like the bee took their cuteness and poofed it up a bit. Thanks, bees, for this enjoyment.

1. This husky who looks like he recently got his wisdom teeth taken out.

He's just as confused as we are.

2. And this pup who thinks he's a chipmunk.

Look at those cheeks!

3. A boxer instantly regretting his life choices.

I can't see!

4. And this one, who's still happy as a clam.

Just keep smiling, maybe they won't notice how much pain I'm in.

5. His head is bigger than his body.

Mom, stop laughing.

6. This pup who feels defeated.

WHAT did I do to deserve this?

7. And this baby who just wants to cry.

It'll all be okay!

8. This one who's in denial.

Whatchu talking about? There ain't no bee.

9. Basically, now this pup is a whole new breed.

Wow, I didn't recognize you there. Did you gain weight a bee sting?

10. And this one who's trying his hardest to embrace it.

Does this sting make my nose look big?

11. He's SO embarrassed.

Don't look at me, I'm hideous.

12. This one, who's turning into a monster.

Fear me, human.

13. How about this one, who seems oddly happy about it?


14. This doggy, who is trying his best to go back in time.

Just leave me be(e)!

15. Lastly, this one. She's suddenly more contemplative about life.

She studied pawlosophy in college. She knows the bee meant her no harm.

Feel better, pups!

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