Brands we love that are made in the USA

Made in America: 5 Brands Creating Jobs at Home
Made in America: 5 Brands Creating Jobs at Home

There are plenty of ways to show your patriotism this 4th of July weekend, but some are more obvious than others. Sure, you could throw on an American flag tank top and some red flip flops, or you could take things one step further by shopping for clothes that are made right here in our great country.

Here's a crazy fact for you: 98% of the clothing we buy in the United States is imported from other countries, according to XO Jane. The reason for this is that it's way cheaper for clothing companies to outsource, but outsourcing often leads to poor treatment of workers and bad pay for them, too, in those places.

Plus, we all know there are plenty of people in our own country who are desperately in need of jobs that wouldn't be looking for work if we just made all our clothing here! A few cool brands already do, like Reformation, VIMMIA, American Apparel (duh) and Dogeared (accessories), to name a few.

Check out some of our favorite products from these brands below!

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