Mom shares heartbreaking photos with emotional plea after baby is hospitalized with whooping cough

Mom Post Heartbreaking Photos Urging Parents to Vaccinate Their Kids
Mom Post Heartbreaking Photos Urging Parents to Vaccinate Their Kids

Annie Mae Braiden, a mother from Victoria, British Columbia, took to Facebook this week to beg other parents to get their children vaccinated after her 10-week-old daughter, Isabelle, was hospitalized with whooping cough.

"So I wasn't going to do this," she wrote in her heart wrenching post, "but I think people need to see what not vaccinating their kids do to the OTHER kids."

Braiden's heartbreaking photos showing Isabelle in the pediatric intensive care unit, where she has been on a ventilator for three out of her ten weeks of life, have been shared a whopping 25,000 times since they were posted on Facebook on June 17.

Braiden said that she shared her story in hopes of showing people the possible consequences that might ensue if they don't vaccinate their children.

"We were hours away from losing her," she wrote. "The nurse picked her up and ran her down the hall to the ICU to get her ventilated because we were losing her."

%shareLinks-quote="What you do with your kids is your choice but do not tell me that not vaccinating your kids isn't hurting anyone but your own kids." type="quote" author="Annie Mae Braiden" authordesc="" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Isabelle is reportedly "still facing another 2 months in the hospital." Braiden said she hopes that no other family ever has to go through what she is currently enduring, especially since there is such a simple solution.

"Please vaccinate your kids," she pleaded. "It's not fair that my little girl is in the PICU coughing and not being able to breath from a disease that shouldn't be around in this day an age."
