Young rugby players help an old man with his chores

How to not raise a jerk: Give your kids chores
How to not raise a jerk: Give your kids chores

A handful of young boys celebrated a big win in a selfless way Friday -- by helping an 81-year-old man with his chores.

The members of a rugby team from Cooma North Public School in New South Wales were on their way back home after winning their match when they came across the man.

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The boys joined forces with their dads and moved a huge woodpile from the front of the man's house to the back.

Their teacher, Mrs. Jamieson, snapped a photo that she posted to Facebook.

"It was a rather large pile and would have taken the gentleman a long time. The boys and dads, without hesitation, decided to help the gentleman and completed the task in no time at all," she wrote.

"It is gestures like this from our fantastic kids that make Cooma North such a great school. Boys, I am very proud of each and every one of you. I speak on behalf of all the teachers, parents and students when I say 'top work!' It is wonderful to hear that you are 'paying it forward'."

Soon after she posted the tribute, thousands of people began sharing encouraging messages. The man's daughter, Donna, was among the commenters.

"When I arrived to help the wood was all moved!! My parents were so grateful and can't stop talking about what a fabulous bunch of boys. Thank you so very much. What a lovely thing to do," she wrote.

It goes to show that even small acts of kindness from young people can make a huge difference.

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