Perfectly patriotic style for the 4th of July (that will also become closet staples)

Red, White, and Blueberry Pizza Recipe
Red, White, and Blueberry Pizza Recipe

It's almost officially summer (hello, June 21st!) and that means it's almost July 4th. Whether you're traveling to the beach for a long weekend, hitting up your city's fireworks display or planning to throw a backyard barbecue, you're going to want to be decked out in red white and blue.

But don't worry, while we love the cute, super patriotic gear option, we also firmly believe that clothes you buy shouldn't just be clothes you love but also become staples in your wardrobe.

So click through below to see and shop our favorite reds, whites and blues (with some stripes here and there, natch) -- we've even explained why each piece is exactly what you need in your life this summer.

More in lifestyle:
Long live blue jeans and white tees
This watermelon keg DIY will take your barbecues to a new level
5 ways to BBQ on a budget
