Woman slams boyfriend with car after discovering he's HIV-positive

PD: Girlfriend hits boyfriend with car over HIV
PD: Girlfriend hits boyfriend with car over HIV

An Arizona woman is facing jail time after she allegedly ran over her boyfriend with her car after discovering he was HIV positive, according to reports.

The incident was captured on surveillance video and posted to YouTube. The terrifying footage, which may be hard to watch for some, shows Misty Lee Wilke slamming her Mustang vehicle into her boyfriend who is riding a bicycle. He then goes flying into the air before slamming into concrete.

Sources told 12 News that Wilke just discovered the man who she had been dating and sexually active with was HIV positive. After being arrested, Wilke told police the man laughed while breaking the news to her. He also attacked her with a pocket knife, Fox 10 reported.

According to court documents, the victim fractured a vertebra and suffered a head injury which required staples. After tracking down Wilke, investigators found the man's hair and blood as well as paint from his bike on her car.

Wilke has been jailed since the incident and has been indicted on charges including: attempting to commit second-degree murder, leaving the scene and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

RELATED: AIDS Epidemic, 1980s:
