The single most devastating statistic for Donald Trump in a new major national poll

New Poll Shows Hillary Clinton Expands Her Lead Over Donald Trump
New Poll Shows Hillary Clinton Expands Her Lead Over Donald Trump

A new Bloomberg poll released on Tuesday showed Donald Trump trailing Hillary Clinton by a whopping 12 points — but that was not even the worst number for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

An overwhelming 55% of total respondents said that they could never support Trump. In comparison, 43% of those polled said that they could never support Clinton.

Clinton held a 49% to 37% advantage in the poll.

Just 8% of those not supporting Trump were open to the idea of backing the Manhattan billionaire, while 7% of uncommitted respondents were open to the idea of supporting Clinton.

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The poll surveyed 1,000 voters over three days beginning on June 10, and contained a margin of error of 3.6%.

Completed after the Orlando terrorist attack, which left at least 49 people dead, the Bloomberg poll found that respondents were more likely to believe that Trump was better equipped to handle the threat of terrorism than Clinton.

"Clinton has a number of advantages in this poll, in addition to her lead," said Ann Selzer, the widely respected pollster who conducted the survey, according to Bloomberg. "Her supporters are more enthusiastic than Trump's and more voters overall see her becoming a more appealing candidate than say that for Trump."

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The Bloomberg poll was the second such survey on Tuesday to show Clinton with a commanding lead.

An NBC/SurveyMonkey weekly tracking poll released on Tuesday morning showed Clinton with a seven-point lead over Trump, a four-point bump over NBC's tracking poll two weeks ago. Clinton holds a 5.5% lead in the RealClearPolitics average of several polls, and she's bested Trump in each of the past nine polls posted on the site.

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