Following Orlando, Congressman and Iraq War vet says civilians shouldn't have assault weapons

Seth Moulton: Assault Rifles 'Have No Place On America's Streets'
Seth Moulton: Assault Rifles 'Have No Place On America's Streets'

Massachusetts Congressman and Iraq War veteran Rep. Seth Moulton wants everyone to know his stance on gun reform after Sunday's terror attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando — he is staunchly for Congress taking action to remove assault rifles from America's streets.

On Monday, House Speaker Paul Ryan asked the House of Representatives to participate in a moment of silence for the 49 victims and 53 injured. The shooter, Omar Mateen, used an assault-style rifle Sig Sauer MCX.

Along with other congresspeople who did not participate Moulton refused to observe this moment of silence in an act of protest. They walked out of the House. Moulton tweeted, "[The House of Representatives] routinely holds 'Moments of Silence' after each mass shooting-- underscoring their cowardly silence on even VOTING on gun reform."

RELATED: See Seth Moulton's tweets about gun reform

He continued, "So I'm joining [Rep. Jim Himes] in not attending anymore House 'Moments of Silence' for mass shooting victims. Walked out of my first one tonight."

Initially after hearing about the tragedy Sunday night, he tweeted that his "thoughts and prayers" were with those affected by the shooting. Afterwards, however, he said that "thoughts and prayers" are not what the United States needs. "The tradition is to send 'thoughts and prayers' first, then perhaps demand policy changes later. I'm done with that," he tweeted.

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Moulton insists that his team will take action and that others should follow suit. Moulton's opinions are also impacted by the fact that he is a veteran and fought in the Iraq War. "I know assault rifles. I carried one in Iraq. They have no place on America's streets," he tweeted along with a picture of him with an assault rifle.

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The New York Daily Newsput Moulton's photo on its front page on Wednesday. Moulton also wrote a feature for the issue, saying that Congress "lacks the courage" to stop civilians from owning these deadly weapons.

While Moulton is clearly frustrated, he displays hope for the future. "Thankfully, Congress has the ability and authority to eliminate the civilian sale of these weapons of war," he wrote.

He encourages us to stop saying "thoughts and prayers" for victims. "Instead, let's honor their memory by vowing to do everything we can to prevent another senseless slaughter."

Partisan Views of Gun Control Proposals Graphiq

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