Mother says Apple's Siri helped save her child's life

Mother Says Apple's Siri Helped Save Her Child's Life
Mother Says Apple's Siri Helped Save Her Child's Life

Apple's Siri may get a little lippy when you ask her a silly question, but in times of crisis, she could be the one that has your back, notes Metro.

BBC is reporting that a mother in Australia recently reached out to Apple to let the company know that the AI assistant played a role in saving her 1-year-old daughter's life.

Several months back, Stacey Gleeson noticed through the baby monitor that the child, who was suffering from a bronchial infection, had stopped breathing, notes Yahoo7 News.

The mother rushed to help her daughter but accidentally dropped the phone.

Afraid to leave the child's side, Gleeson called out, "hey Siri, call the ambulance" as she started to perform CPR.

Siri did exactly that and in moments, help was on the way.

The family believes the seconds saved by having Siri's voice command option activated may have made all the difference.

The young girl has since made a full recovery.

The history of Siri​:
