Dog thrives with 3 amputated legs after being run over by a train

Dog Thrives Even After Having Three Legs Crushed By Train
Dog Thrives Even After Having Three Legs Crushed By Train

A little tender loving care goes a long way for this street dog, whose limbs were crushed and mutilated after he was run over by a train.

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Railroad workers in India found Deepak, a stray dog, lying by the tracks after being hit by a train.

"His front leg was attached by just a few threads of tissue," the organization wrote in a blog.

In Animal Aid Unlimited's grisly footage, the dog's legs could be seen horrifically crushed and mangled, with bone and muscle exposed.

"We had never before rescued a dog so horrifically injured," Animal Aid wrote in their video, "With broken hearts, we thought we had to put him to sleep."

Despite the grim appearance, they rescued the injured animal, who rescers said appeared to be alive and healthy aside from the obvious injuries. Doctors took him into surgery, spent the next five hours amputating his crushed limbs, and fought for his life.

See more from this heartbreaking story:

Half a year later, the rescue was happy to announce that Deepak is thriving.

Though it appears that, because his two left legs were amputated, he needs to be carried most places, he can be seen in Animal Aid Unlimited's video being strapped into a life jacket, and swimming and playing ball with other dogs in the pool.

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He continues to live in Habitat Heaven with other rescue dogs that have limited use of their limbs.

"They have full, stimulated, curious, inquisitive, territorial, happy and lovely lives," a woman at the rescue said, adding that the dogs also get round-the-clock medical care.

Watch: Mom Skydives a Year After Losing Her Arms and Legs: 'The Amputations Won't Stop Me'

Mom Goes Skydiving One Year After Her Arms and Legs Were Amputated
Mom Goes Skydiving One Year After Her Arms and Legs Were Amputated
