Scientists say planet could have suitable conditions to sustain life

Scientists Say This Planet Could Have Suitable Conditions To Sustain Life
Scientists Say This Planet Could Have Suitable Conditions To Sustain Life

A planet roughly 1,200 light-years away from Earth might be suited for habitability, according to researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Washington.

Known as Kepler-62f, the distant cosmic body is located within the Lyra constellation.

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Forty percent larger than Earth, the planet is considered in the range of those believed to be rocky and likely to contain oceans.

According to a summary of the findings, "To determine whether the planet could sustain life, the team came up with possible scenarios about what its atmosphere might be like and what the shape of its orbit might be."

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Such scenarios tested Kepler-62f's atmospheric thickness, carbon dioxide concentrations and various planetary orbits.

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Aomawa Shields, the study's lead author, noted, "We found there are multiple atmospheric compositions that allow it to be warm enough to have surface liquid water. This makes it a strong candidate for a habitable planet."

The study's findings are published in the journal Astrobiology.
