Bernie Sanders says he 'would've loved' to debate 'real tough guy' Trump

Trump won't debate Sanders
Trump won't debate Sanders

Bernie Sanders called out Donald Trump last night over the Republican's recent debate waffling.

On HBO's "Real Time," the Democratic presidential hopeful said he "would've LOVED" to debate the presumptive GOP nominee — and he's still holding out hope that such a TV event happens.

"If he's changed his mind four times in two days, change it a fifth time," Sanders shared his feelings to Bill Maher.

After a change-of-heart, Trump squashed the possible event yesterday, calling it "inappropriate." Sanders seems to think the decision was one of pure cowardice, however.

Also Read:Donald Trump Squashes Bernie Sanders Debate, Calls It 'Inappropriate'

"Trump claims to be a real tough guy, pushes people around — Hey, Donald come on up, let's have a debate about the future of America," the liberal politician challenged the conservative billionaire businessman.

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Those wouldn't be the only harsh words Sanders directed at the Donald during an 11-minute interview.

"This guy is a pathological liar," Sanders said of the possible next president. "He would be, not only an embarrassment, a real danger to this entire world."

Watch the full sitdown conversation via the video above.

Read original story Bernie Sanders Says He 'Would've Loved' to Debate 'Real Tough Guy' Trump (Video) At TheWrap