A statue of the Virgin Mary crying a single tear sparks pilgrimage

A Statue of the Virgin Mary Crying a Single Tear Sparks Pilgrimage
A Statue of the Virgin Mary Crying a Single Tear Sparks Pilgrimage

A new pilgrimage destination has been named, thanks to the power of the internet.

Word of a Virgin Mary statue in Floridablanca, Colombia, has gotten out, attracting religious aficionados due to one peculiar feature: A bloody "tear-drop" that appears to be running down her cheek.

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Members of the community, who pray at the statue daily, suddenly noticed the red liquid one day and began posting documentation online.

The striking addition seems to have appeared overnight, something that the local community is calling a miracle.

Ana Cristina Jimenez, a resident of Floridablanca, commented on the statue, stating, "I saw that the Virgin had a tear of blood. I was surprised. I felt joyful, sad... everything!"
