World's oldest women all got that way by avoiding men

Emma Morano: 116 Years Old & Last Person Born In 1800s
Emma Morano: 116 Years Old & Last Person Born In 1800s

Last Thursday, the world's oldest woman, Brooklynite Susannah Mushatt Jones, died at the age of 116.

Italy's Emma Morano, also 116 years old, now holds the honor. Among other things, Morano credits her longevity to "being single for most of her life." But Morano wasn't an anomaly — as Twitter user @borderlinefemme pointed out, avoiding men seems to be a theme among famed centenarians.

Gladys Gough, a British woman who made it to 104, once said of her unusually old age, "I never got married or had a boyfriend either. That probably had something to do with it. I just couldn't be bothered with men."

Then there's Scotland's Jessie Gallan, who lived to be 109. "My secret to a long life has been staying away from men. They're just more trouble than they're worth," Gallan shared.

And there's no arguing with Leandra Becerra Lumbreras, a Mexican woman who died in 2015 at the age of 127 — making her the world's longest-living known human. She said her impressively long life was due to never getting married. (Also, "chocolate" and "sleeping for days on end," so she had it all figured out.)

They all make very compelling points.

RELATED: See photos of Emma Morano, the world's current oldest woman:
