Bernie Sanders helps campaign staffer propose to girlfriend

Bernie Sanders In AC For Rally
Bernie Sanders In AC For Rally

You may have seen your share of "viral wedding proposals" lately -- but this one might take the cake.

Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator and 2016 Democratic hopeful, was filmed over the weekend in a sly attempt to help his campaign's social media director propose to his girlfriend.

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Hector Sigala tweeted out the video which started out like Sanders was releasing a campaign statement, then turned to the proposal.

RELATED: Bernie Sanders in New York

See the video below:

Sanders is recorded saying:

"Hector has a question for you. He's a good guy, why don't you help him out?"

Judging by the tweet posted later, it definitely helped:

Congrats are in order to Hector and Kimberly!

And the internet clearly is in love too:
