Former Republican presidential hopeful Graham won't back Trump or Clinton

Sen. Graham won't support Trump or attend convention
Sen. Graham won't support Trump or attend convention

WASHINGTON, May 6 (Reuters) - Republican Senator and former presidential hopeful Lindsey Graham said on Friday he could not in "good conscience" support

Donald Trump for the presidency, but that he also would not back Democrat Hillary Clinton.

"I absolutely will NOT support Hillary Clinton for President," Graham said in a post on Twitter. "I also cannot in good conscience support Donald Trump because I do not believe he is a reliable Republican conservative."

See more of Graham's statement on Twitter:

After dropping out of the race in December, Graham reluctantly backed former rival

Ted Cruz, saying "If we give the banner of the Republican party to Donald Trump, we tarnish it maybe forever."

(Reporting by Timothy Ahmann; Editing by Chris Reese;

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