Family of overdose victim fights for FDA to ban 'poison in a jar'

Teen's Parents Take Powdered Caffeine Fight To Nation's Capital
Teen's Parents Take Powdered Caffeine Fight To Nation's Capital

Last week, a grieving family met with FDA officials in Washington, D.C. to petition the FDA to ban powdered caffeine, Fox 8 reports.

One teaspoon of the potent pure caffeine powder is equivalent to drinking 28 cups of coffee. Consuming too much of the powder can lead to death, a fact that the Stiners know too well.

SEE ALSO: Pure caffeine powder is killing young people

"It's not easy coming here sharing our stories and talking about our son," said Dennis Stiner.

In 2014 their teenage son Logan died from a caffeine overdose.

The deadly substance can be purchased easily online, which is a major problem according to advocates.

Laura MacCleery with the Centers for Science in the Public Interest joined victims' families and senators to petition the FDA.

RELATED: Overdose rates by state:

"It's astonishing. A substance that is fatal in adults in the amount of two tablespoons, is sold cheaply over the Internet as loose powder in large bags without clear warnings. It is time for the FDA to protect consumers from this clear hazard," MacCleery said.

Last year the FDA issued letters to five companies warning them to stop selling the product in bulk, but even today the product is still easily accessible.

"I sure hope the FDA will really do the right thing this time around and take a serious hard look at why they need to ban this product," Stiner said.

The FDA released the following statement pertaining to the issue:

"The FDA does not discuss specific matters that are still pending before it. However, we can assure you that the FDA takes concerns raised about safety of these types of products very seriously."
