Jaw-dropping video shows hippos effortlessly crunching whole watermelon in one bite

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Pygmy hippos go nose-to-nose on first date

When you think of hippos, you may imagine the cute ones you've seen in the news, which are usually the cute little baby versions. It's easy to forget they become massive animals with gigantic, powerful mouths, when you see photos like this:


But a video that's getting attention on Digg will bring you back to reality -- and it'll blow your mind. The footage shows a man in Japan giving the hippos a not-so-little treat. He plops the whole watermelon into the hippo's open mouth, and just like that the hippo smashes it into pieces in one simple bite.

See photos of hippos from around the world:

Then the camera switches to a terrifying new angle that has you staring straight into the hippo's massive open mouth, which looks like it could easily swallow the man in a second. He places the melon, which now just seems like a small grape, between the giant jaws, then CRUNCH! And it's gone.

If that's not enough, the next frame takes you even closer. Fair warning, if you're feeling jittery already, this next segment of the video is not for you. This shot gets you really up close and personal. You can see all the individual whiskers on the hippo's trap, along with the juice that oozes out.

The jaw-dropping footage continues with more shots and angles of hungry, hungry hippos happily devouring watermelons.

See the full video here:

It's terrifying and mesmerizing at the same time -- and absolutely worth a watch.
