Dogs are getting upset about 'Game of Thrones' just like you (Video)

Upset by 'Game of Thrones?' Cast Member Instagrams Show It's Only Acting
Upset by 'Game of Thrones?' Cast Member Instagrams Show It's Only Acting

You've watched "Game of Thrones." You've made a lot of horrible noises in response to the things you've seen because how else are you supposed to react to Oberyn getting his head smashed in?

Well, this cleverly-edited video from shows that even our furry friends (sadly not Direwolves) will find that stuff distressing.

The video, called "Dogs React To 'Game of Thrones,'" shows several dogs sitting on a couch while some of the more troubling scenes from the HBO hit show play out. The "reactions" (I'm assuming the pressence of movie magic here) are kinda heartwarming because it's reassuring to think that a dog is running around and jumping because he's upset about Jon Snow getting stabbed.

Also Read:'Game of Thrones': The 10 Best Speeches So Far (Video)

Another perk of this video is that it really highlights the horrifying sound design of "Game of Thrones" — it cuts to the dog reactions during the graphic violence, but you can still hear the violence happening, which is gross in a whole other way.

Anyway, watch the video above to help you get ready for more soul-crushing "Game of Thrones" action this Sunday.
