Trump's daughter-in-law may have accidentally committed misdemeanor while voting

Donald Trump Votes in New York Primary
Donald Trump Votes in New York Primary

UPDATE: Lawyers for the New York State Board of Elections announced today that it does not violate New York State laws to post photographs of ballots online.

Donald Trump's daughter-in-law almost accidentally committed a misdemeanor thanks to some little-known laws surrounding social media at polling places.

Lara Trump, wife of Donald Trump's son Eric, voted for her father-in-law Tuesday in the New York primary. In her excitement, she did what any millennial would do and snapped a picture of her ballot, then posted it to Twitter and Instagram.

According to New York law, "any person who ... makes or keeps any memorandum of anything occurring within the booth, or directly or indirectly, reveals to another the name of any candidate voted for by such voter; or shows his ballot after it is prepared for voting, to any person so as to reveal the contents ... is guilty of a misdemeanor."

Laws like this are on the books in a number of states, including New York. They were designed to protect the secret ballot. If it's illegal for you to take a picture of your ballot, your union or employer can't force you to show them a picture of that ballot and then take action if they don't like your vote.

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Lara isn't the only Trump who slipped up when it comes to voting in the primaries. Ivanka Trump and Lara's husband Eric both missed the New York registration deadline. But based on polling released ahead of Tuesday's primary, Donald Trump shouldn't have any trouble winning New York even without his children's votes.
