Asia McClain from 'Serial' is writing a book

Alibi Witness for Adnan Syed Finally Gives Evidence in Court
Alibi Witness for Adnan Syed Finally Gives Evidence in Court

Just when we thought we couldn't obsess more over the Adnan Syed case from the popular podcast series, "Serial" -- we were wrong.

Key alibi witness Asia McClain (now Chapman) will be writing a book, explaining her side of the story titled, "Confessions of a Serial Alibi."

If you need a refresher or are new to the series (WARNING: Spoiler alert) Asia McClain is Syed's only alibi witness in the first season of the podcast and in the new retrial in the case of the murder of Syed's ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee.

Click through to see images of the case:

McClain claims to have been with Syed in the library when the reported killing of Lee happened in 1991. McClain had heard that Syed had been arrested over the strangulation of Lee, when she realized that she might have information of value.

She would later testify that after realizing this, she wrote him two letters offering to help and signed a notarized affidavit. But his defense lawyer never contacted her.

She says the tell-all book will tell her side of the story and will be available as a hardcover in June. The e-book version will be available in less that two weeks.

You can preorder here.
