This video brilliantly captures why road rage is a dumb idea

Video Featuring Evander Holyfield Hilariously Shows Dangers of Road Rage
Video Featuring Evander Holyfield Hilariously Shows Dangers of Road Rage

Ah, traffic.

If you can drive, you've probably found yourself stuck in a jam more times than you can count.

Yes, we all know that traffic can be is extremely frustrating, especially if you happen to be on your way to somewhere important.

But somehow, it always seems that just when you're nearing the end of your rope, an idiot in a Prius cuts you off, and that's the end of that: You've lost your cool, your hand is glued to the horn and you feel like the only way to resolve your anger is with a right hook to the other guy's jaw.

This, my friend, is called road rage.

And there are a number of valid reasons as to why you should refrain from fighting with drivers who wrong you on the road.

For starters, fighting strangers, no matter where you happen to be, puts you on the fast track to becoming a dead person.

Secondly, it's a great way to get yourself arrested.

But a recent commercial supported by the Georgia State Patrol shows possibly the number one reason you should never, ever engage in an act of road rage: You have NO idea who's waiting for you behind the other wheel.

In the PSA, we see an enraged, middle-aged man swerving his truck around a black Mercedes SUV that cut him off while pulling out of a driveway.

The man jumps out of his truck and approaches the vehicle in a stupor of rage, banging the Mercedes' hood and demanding, "C'mon ... get out!" over and over to the other driver.

It's safe to say when the truck driver man sees who's behind the other wheel -- namely, former heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield -- he wishes he'd closed his eyes, counted to ten and moved on with his life before he ever honked his horn.

Lesson learned: When it comes to picking fights on the highway ...

RELATED: If potentially getting whooped by Holyfield isn't enough of a deterrent, listen to doctors explain why road rage is actually bad for your health:

Checking Road Rage
Checking Road Rage
