Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Schaal wear mouthguards while chatting with James Corden

Melissa McCarthy Wears a Mouth Guard on The Late Late Show and it's Hilarious
Melissa McCarthy Wears a Mouth Guard on The Late Late Show and it's Hilarious

Because late-night interviews aren't hard enough, James Corden put himself and his guests into mouthguards on Tuesday night.

The Boss star Melissa McCarthy and Last Man on Earthactress Kristen Schaal attempt part of their chat on The Late Late Showwhile wearing the devices.

"These are gnarly," McCarthy said, with Corden noting, "You really can't talk about anything seriously."

Schaal tried though. "'I know how to stop ISIS' -; like, no one cares."

The three also tried taking sips of water from their mugs and blowing a few bubbles (using various techniques).

Watch the video below.

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