Top 7 tips to attract buyers at an open house

Top 5 Tips You Must Know for Your First Home
Top 5 Tips You Must Know for Your First Home

If you're trying to sell your house as quickly as possible, hosting an open house could be a great way to draw in crowds of qualified buyers. But even if you leave your home open to the public for weeks at a time, it might take months for someone to make you an offer. To avoid wasting your time and your money, check out some tips that'll help you attract homebuyers to your next open house.

open house 1 Top 7 Tips to Attract Buyers at an Open House
open house 1 Top 7 Tips to Attract Buyers at an Open House

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1. Fix Up Your House

Trying to sell your home without tidying it up first isn't a great idea. The buyers who attend your open house could be turned off if your kitchen is a mess or your hallways are full of junk.

If you can afford to do so, you might need to focus on remodeling the parts of your house that look worn or old-fashioned. Making certain home improvements, like adding fresh coats of paint and replacing dated wallpaper, can boost your home's overall value and give your visitors a reason to consider buying your home.

It's a good idea to remove any decorations or items that seem too personal so that your guests can brainstorm and envision ways to make your house their home.

2. Spread the Word

It'll be hard to find someone to purchase your house if you're not effectively marketing it. Listing your home on a popular website like Zillow is a smart move, but don't stop there. Handing out flyers and putting up signs in your yard might seem like an old-fashioned way to get homebuyers to show up, but those strategies could work well if you live in an area that gets a lot of foot traffic.

Asking your neighbors to spread the word and discussing your listing on your social media accounts are other great ways to let everyone know you're ready to sell.

3. Stay out of the Way

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open house 2 Top 7 Tips to Attract Buyers at an Open House

When your open house is taking place, it's best to take that time to run errands or grab lunch. Being present while potential buyers are exploring your home might make the buyers nervous. The whole purpose of an open house is to give future homeowners the opportunity to thoroughly look over the home without feeling any pressure to buy or rent out your home.

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4. Make Sure Buyers Get Their Questions Answered

At the same time, even if you're not physically present at the open house, you don't want your visitors to feel like they know next to nothing about your home. That's why you might want to consider having a buyer's agent and/or lender present who can give them insight into how the homebuying and financing process will work.

If you can, it might be a good idea for you to be available by phone in case an agent gets asked a question about the home that he or she can't answer. You could also make a short video to play during the open house. In your video clip, you could include specific details about the home, its amenities and your experience living there.

5. Leave out Flyers and Important Documents

Unless your open house visitors come prepared with pen and paper, they might not remember every single detail about your house after they leave. To make sure they don't forget the key points that you want to highlight, it might be wise to make some handouts for your attendees.

It's also important to present relevant documents like appraisals, home inspection notes and estimates of what you pay for utilities so that your open house attendees have enough information to determine whether they want to make you an offer.

6. Find a Way to Stand Out

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open house 3 Top 7 Tips to Attract Buyers at an Open House

If you want to attract a buyer, you'll need to get creative and set the right mood and atmosphere. Playing music in the background and offering snacks can make your guests feel comfortable. But if they plan to visit a variety of homes before settling on one, you don't want your house to get mixed up in the shuffle.

To make your guests' experience at your open house more memorable, you might need to host a fun, themed event that plays on a unique feature that your home has. Thinking of ways to set yourself apart from other sellers can make a big difference and increase your chances of finding someone who remembers your home and wants to buy it.

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7. Learn From Your Mistakes

Hosting a successful open house might be difficult if there's no way to gauge your visitors' reactions. Asking your guests to sign in and leave comments or suggestions can help you plan a better open house in the future that'll cater to the needs of potential homebuyers.

The Takeaway

No one wants the home they're selling to be vacant or to sit on the market for months at a time. If you can learn the tricks to hosting a great open house event, you might be able to find the perfect person to buy your home in no time.

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The post Top 7 Tips to Attract Buyers at an Open House appeared first on SmartAsset Blog.

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