Top 10 jobs for working parents

How Working Parents Are Sharing the Load
How Working Parents Are Sharing the Load

If you're a working parent, you probably know how challenging it can be to raise a child and work a full-time job at the same time. As a result, some parents decide to leave the workforce entirely. If that's not an option, you can always look for career opportunities with decent earnings and flexible hours. Check out our roundup of some of the best jobs for working parents.

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1. Account Manager

Advertising and promotions managers bring in about $114,700 a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). While you may have to deal with client relationships, you might be able to perform most of your duties off-site. Being able to send emails and join conference calls from the comfort of your own home can be particularly helpful to parents with young children.

2. UX Designer

UX designers make websites and software more intuitive and pleasant to interact with. The median annual salary falls around $70,000 and as is the case with many jobs in tech, it's possible to find an employer who can provide you with a schedule that best fits your needs.

3. Nutritionist

working parents 2 Top 10 Jobs for Working Parents
working parents 2 Top 10 Jobs for Working Parents

A dietitian or nutritionist advises clients who need help maintaining healthy lifestyles. They can work in healthcare facilities, schools, corporate organizations and even in their own home offices. Many states require dietitians to earn licenses, but if you don't have time to attend school, you can look for an accelerated or online program.

The median salary for nutritionists in 2014 was $56,950. Since the projected growth rate is better than average, becoming a registered dietitian might be worth it.

4. Software Developer/Coder

This kind of job can be intimidating to folks who don't know how to code. But it's never too late to learn. In fact, there are all sorts of free classes online that can teach you the basics. Coding is considered a must-have skill, so if you're a coder, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a high-paying gig that you can jump into whether the kids are at school or at home with you.

Related Article: The Best Jobs for People Who Want to be Self-Employed

5. Consultant

While you may need to have some experience or advanced credentials, being a healthcare, financial or marketing consultant can bring in some serious cash. Plus, these jobs often offer a great deal of flexibility. To get started, you can find clients within your existing network and use those connections to find other people to advise later down the line.

6. Interpreter/Translator

Do you know another language? Are you willing to learn one? The need for multinational communication continues to grow and as an interpreter or translator, you might be able to work from home and take on projects as needed. BLS data say that the median annual salary for translators and interpreters is around $43,590.

7. Actuary

working parents 3 Top 10 Jobs for Working Parents
working parents 3 Top 10 Jobs for Working Parents

Actuaries crunch numbers and use statistical data to help life insurance companies, retirement plan providers and other businesses keep their risks to a minimum. In 2014, the median pay for this line of work was over $90,000. This can be a great career opportunity for a parent concerned with having a work-life balance, since actuaries can work just about anywhere.

8. Education

Whether you want to be a teacher, an aide or a curriculum developer, a job in education can be a great fit for an individual trying to raise a family, especially since you'll likely have more vacation time and work hours that won't prevent you from caring for your children. You may have to get a master's degree, however, if you want a shot at a competitive salary.

Related Article: The 10 Best Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree

9. Speech Pathologists

While you probably won't be able to get very far without a master's degree, speech language pathology can be a lucrative career. Speech pathologists often work in hospitals or schools and can work part-time if necessary. The need for these professionals is also expected to rise at a quicker pace than most jobs in the coming years.

10. Freelance Writer

Having a journalism degree is great, but some publishers hire freelancers without one. As long as you can create great, relevant content, it's possible to launch a successful freelance writing career or turn it into a profitable side gig. This role is almost always a work-from-home position, so you can earn money while controlling your own hours. You can even get paid to write about being a parent for blogs and magazines!

Related: The best jobs for introverts

Bottom Line

Choosing a job can be difficult, especially when you have kids to take care of. As you hunt for opportunities, it's a good idea to think about your projected job growth and make sure you have enough time to be the kind of parent you want to be.

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The post Top 10 Jobs for Working Parents appeared first on SmartAsset Blog.

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