Photo of Vancouver baristas praying with woman in drive-thru goes viral

Coffee Shop Employees Pray With Grieving Widow at Drive-Thru
Coffee Shop Employees Pray With Grieving Widow at Drive-Thru

While waiting in the drive-thru line at her local coffee shop, one woman snapped a photo of an emotional scene unfolding before her -- not knowing the impact it would have on thousands of people to come.

The image, uploaded by Barbara Danner to the official Dutch Bros Coffee Facebook page, shows three employees leaning through the window, holding hands, praying with the distressed woman inside the vehicle.

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It wasn't until Barbara moved up in line that she learned that the young lady ahead of her had lost her 37-year-old husband the night prior. Upon finding out, the men stopped everything they were doing to provide her with emotional support and free coffee.

According to Oregon Live, one of the employees in the photograph, Pierce Dunn stated, "That moment was absolutely incredible. It was so emotional." He continued, saying, "She was crying. I shed a few tears. We've cried since as well. When something that real happens, it hits close to home."

Since the photo was uploaded it has been shared over 92,000 times and picked up more than 300,000 likes.

Evan Freeman, another one of the employees who was involved in the prayer, said he is not religious but prayed with the woman anyway. "She could have said she wanted an apple, and I would have gone and planted a tree and grown her an apple." He said, "It just happened to be religion that she wanted."

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