Bernie Sanders wins Democrats Abroad global presidential primary

Bernie Sanders Wins Global Primary, Still Trails In Delegates
Bernie Sanders Wins Global Primary, Still Trails In Delegates

With voter turnout up 50 percent from 2008, over 34,570 U.S. citizens living abroad in 38 countries voted in the Democrats Abroad primary by internet, mail, fax, or in person.

The results of the primary are in and Bernie Sanders won over Hillary Clinton by a considerable amount. Sanders received 69 percent of the vote earning nine delegates to the national convention, while Clinton received 31 percent and four delegates.

"DA volunteers worked around the clock and around the world over the past two weeks to verify and count every ballot cast," Democrats Abroad international secretary Julia Bryan said.

"This political revolution that is gaining momentum across America is now resonating all over the world," Sanders said after his win. "There is a clear path to victory as we begin the second half of the delegate selection process. We are waging a strong campaign and plan to take it all the way to the Democratic National Convention this summer in Philadelphia."

This political revolution that is gaining momentum across America is now resonating all over the world. There is a clear...

Posted by Bernie Sanders on Monday, March 21, 2016

Democrats Abroad released vote tallies for the countries in which people voted. Out of 38 countries Afghanistan had the smallest turnout with 7 people voting -- 5 for Sanders and 2 for Clinton. With a total of 4,610, The United Kingdom had the most democratic voters. 2874 voted for Sanders and 1726 voted for Clinton.
