This video of a couple meeting their adopted kids for the first time will make you uncontrollably weep

Emotional Reunion for Adopted Boys
Emotional Reunion for Adopted Boys

Jennifer Murrow Grover and her husband, James, aren't exactly novices to the complicated nature of international adoptions.

According to a West Sands Adoptions Facebook video, after the couple had three children of their own, Jennifer, "started feeling very much that there was a little girl that was supposed to be in our family that was not going to come through us biologically and we needed to go find her."

After suffering through five miscarriages over the course of a few years, Jennifer and James decided to look into adoption. Shortly thereafter, their family grew by three children from countries across the globe.

We were recently asked to share our adoption stories to help others who have been, or would like to be, blessed by adoption. Here is the documentary that was created. Let me know if you want the long version.... ;-) (Oh...and hit HD on the video or it will be blurry.)

Posted by Jennifer Murrow Grover on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

However, that yearning feeling eventually returned — except this time, it was for two sons.

Jennifer knew 7-year-old Bronson and 14-year-old Joseph were perfect almost immediately.

%shareLinks-quote="When I saw Bronson's picture, I knew instantly that he was ours." type="quote" author="Jennifer Murrow Grover" authordesc="" isquoteoftheday="false"%

A day or two later, Jennifer saw more agency photos that included Joseph, and the rest was history.

Jennifer and James started the adoption process to bring home Bronson and Joseph from the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2012 — though it was anything but seamless.

While waiting for the U.S. to approve their visas, the DRC placed a suspension on adopted children, forcing Bronson and Joseph to wait to come home.

But all the hardships they endured, including three years of waiting, only made their first time meeting that much sweeter.

Break out the tissues, because you're about to get punched right in the feels.

In 2012 (yes, you read that correctly...2012), we started the adoption process to bring home our two precious sons from the Democratic Republic of Congo. March 1, 2016 11:45pm...

Posted by Jennifer Murrow Grover on Thursday, March 3, 2016


Since being posted on March 3, Jennifer's video has been shared over 14,000 times, and has left not one dry eye in its wake.

Squad goals at their finest.
