Parents of 'miracle baby' with microcephaly speak out amid Zika scare

Baby Jaxon Strong Defies the Odds
Baby Jaxon Strong Defies the Odds

Jaxon Strong was born with microhydranencephaly a form of microcephaly -- a birth defect that affects the brain and that has recently made headlines due to links to the Zika virus.

Jaxon's parents run a popular Facebook page where they bring awareness to Jaxon and his condition.

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Amid growing concerns over the link between the Zika virus and microcephaly, Jaxon's father gave reassuring words to families who may be faced with the condition. "Everyone's freaking out saying microcephaly is a death sentence, and it's not. Even if you had to go through it, your child can survive. Your child can live a good-quality life," he told

Jaxon's parents discovered something was wrong with Jaxon at his 17-week ultrasound. "They warned us we could lose the pregnancy, give birth to a stillborn child, have all types of complications. They didn't expect him to make it, and if they did, they seriously doubted his quality of life. We were absolutely distraught," Brandon said.

See more of Jaxon below:

Despite doctor's initial concerns, Jaxon is thriving according to his dad: "He's only getting stronger, and his health is improving. He's babbling, he loves to laugh, he loves to snuggle. He has an amazing personality. He'll look into our eyes and start smiling, giggling."

Although Jaxon has significant struggles, his parents say they see growth every day. He recently started using a pacifier -- a sign that he may no longer need his feeding tube.

Learn more about Jaxon here.

More on the Zika virus and microcephaly:

Zika Virus and Microcephaly
Zika Virus and Microcephaly

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