OnlyOnAOL: John Legend sounds off on his new show, and Donald Trump



John Legend is the executive producer of WGN's "Underground," a 10-part series that looks at the Underground Railroad that helped slaves escape to freedom. The show, premiering today, has received glowing reviews and tells a critical part of American history from multiple points of view: slaves, owners, and abolitionists. (He's also producing "3 Mics" off-Broadway with comedian Neal Brennan).

Legend sat down with AOL to talk about his new show, and of course, fatherhood: he and wife Chrissy Teigen are expecting a daughter. "I'm so excited," he says.

His day job sounds simple: to infuse creativity into the world. It's what artists do, says Legend: "Try to make the world more beautiful."

Here's why his latest endeavor matters.

Why "Underground" and the issues it deals with are relevant today: "We have to confront our history. We have to understand it. Understand how it relates to what's happening in the world now."

What viewers can expect: "It's uncomfortable to see the pain and oppression. But this show isn't just about that. It's about breaking free."

And for those who aren't drawn to the subject matter, Legend is unfazed: "Every show is not for everybody."

If you think slavery is ancient history, think again. Racism is alive and thriving, especially in this election cycle, with flames being fanned by Donald Trump. "This guy is spewing racist rhetoric on a regular basis and winning. We should be worried about that. If he wins (the presidency) I'm scared for America."

"Neal Brennan 3 Mics" Opening Night
"Neal Brennan 3 Mics" Opening Night

As for music, Legend has another album in the works. And it's almost done. "Very close. Probably third quarter," he says, unsure if he'll simply release it without fanfare like other artists. "It's hard to pull that off. Beyonce pulled that off."
