Curt Schilling on Hillary Clinton: 'She should be buried under a jail'

ESPN 'Addressing' Curt Schilling Remarks on Hillary Clinton
ESPN 'Addressing' Curt Schilling Remarks on Hillary Clinton


Curt Schilling has rarely held back when it comes to voicing his political views -- even admitting that it could end up costing him his job at ESPN. Last summer, the network booted him from its Sunday Night Baseball broadcast booth after tweeting a meme about Muslims and Nazis, though that didn't stop him from continuing to make similar posts on Facebook in the aftermath.

After Hillary Clinton's successful Super Tuesday, the former MLB pitcher went on 610 Sports radio in Kansas City. Naturally, the topic of politics came up.

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About halfway through the hour-long interview, Schilling got to talking about Clinton and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. After mentioning that he would be "stunned and upset" if Clinton won't be in prison before the general election, host Danny Parkins asked him if he expects the democratic candidate to end up in jail.

"I hope she does. If I'm gonna believe, and I don't have any reason not to believe, that she gave classified information on hundreds if not thousands of emails on a public server after what happened to General Petraeus, she should be buried under a jail somewhere."

Yikes. Suggesting that Clinton is guilty of a crime is one thing, but implying that she should somehow be buried alive or killed is another.

As Mike Oz of Yahoo Sports notes, Schilling's allusion to General David Petraeus doesn't really help reinforce his stance, as he lost his CIA job for sharing classified information with his biographer -- not sentenced to jail.

Schilling contributed money to Ben Carson's presidential campaign months ago, and went on to voice his displeasure with Trump in the radio interview. But his troubling remark about Clinton surely won't help his standing at ESPN, which permanently removed him from the broadcast booth in January.

UPDATE: ESPN says it is addressing Schilling's remark.

See more of the controversial ESPN analyst:

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