Mark Zuckerberg asks employees to stop crossing out 'Black Lives Matter' on Facebook's walls

How Black Lives Matter Can Really Matter
How Black Lives Matter Can Really Matter

It turns out the "all lives matter" vs "black lives matter" debate doesn't just happen on Facebook -- it happens at Facebook.

In a memo to employees, Facebook's founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged that some employees had been scratching out "black lives matter" and writing "all lives matter" on the signature wall of the company that happens to only be 2 percent Black.

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Gizmodo first obtained and published Zuckerberg's message in which he expressed his disdain for the malicious act.

"We've never had rules around what people can write on our walls," Zuckerberg wrote. "We expect everybody to treat each other with respect."

"Despite my clear communication at Q&A last week that this was unacceptable, and messages from several other leaders from across the company, this has happened again," Zuckerberg he continued. "I was already very disappointed by this disrespectful behavior before, but after my communication I now consider this malicious as well."

At the end of the note, Zuckerberg announced that the company is investigating the incident. He also invited employees to participate in a town hall to learn what the Black Lives Matter movement is about.

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