9 reasons everyone needs to visit New York City at some point in their lives


The world is filled with millions of beautiful, sought-after locations that all the vacation days in the world wouldn't all you to see. Because of this, it's necessary to pick and choose travel destinations carefully and really consider what the best option for you is.

Even if you love beaches, exotic safaris and the countryside, one of the most amazing places to visit in the world is New York City. There's something there for everyone, and, as they say, if you can make it there, you'll make it anywhere!

Several travel enthusiasts took to Kanvas, the new popular app that allows users to create art, videos and much more, to express how important it is to have the big apple at the top of your travel bucket list!

Express yourself with Kanvas! Download the app to live stream and add gifs and effects to video!

1. Nothing shines like Times Square:

2. From concrete jungle to winter wonderland!

3. And from winter wonderland to summertime solace:

4. What's more picture-perfect than the Statue of Liberty against the New York City skyline?

5. In case you were wondering whether it's a good idea to visit New York anytime soon:

6. Even those classic NYC annoying moments are endearing:

7. New York masters the ability to turn the most urban setting into something so beautiful:

8. New York is the city of dreamers and doers:

9. To sum it all up...

Thinking about a trip? Check out more ideas on TripAdvisor.

Can't get enough NYC? Neither can we:

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