106-year-old Virginia McLaurin meets Obama, dances with joy

Woman, 106, Drops by White House for a Dance
Woman, 106, Drops by White House for a Dance

This 106-year-old admitted she never thought she'd live to visit the White House -- and then gave the president and first lady a surprise of their own.

Virginia McLaurin danced her way across the room as she met Barack and Michelle Obama as part of Black History Month.

"Slow down now, don't go too quick!" joked the president, clearly taken aback at the diminutive centenarian's energy. The first lady told her: "I want to be like you when I grow up."

See more of the encounter in the gallery below:

McLaurin was born in 1909 in South Carolina and moved to Washington, D.C., in 1941, according to a community Facebook page set up for her.

%shareLinks-quote="I thought I would never live to get in the White House ... I am so happy -- a black president." type="quote" author="Virginia McLaurin" authordesc="106-Year-Old" isquoteoftheday="false"%

The video of the meeting received nearly 24 views on the White House's Facebook page after it was uploaded late Sunday.

RELATED: The most romantic images of Barack and Michelle Obama:

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