You can visit Shia LaBeouf standing around in an elevator for 24 hours because art

Shia LaBeouf to Spend 24 Hours In an Elevator
Shia LaBeouf to Spend 24 Hours In an Elevator

Shia LaBeouf is up to his old tricks again, specifically the trick of blowing the goddamn doors off your perception of reality. For 24 hours beginning at 9 a.m. today, LaBeouf joins his collaborator Nastja Säde Rönkkö and Luke Turner in occupying an elevator prior to and following their appearance at the Oxford Union this evening. Interested parties are welcome to stop by #ELEVATE, located inside the elevator at EC English Oxford in Gloucester Green (OX1 2BT), to discuss "the artists, the debating chamber, and the internet, so that their collective voices may form an extended, expansive and egalitarian Oxford Union address." If your passport has expired or you have to work like a pleb, you can watch a livestream of the occupation above. During the writing of this post, the trio has discussed Shia's academic exploration of memes, the ability to purchase a synthetic version of nirvan,a and the lack of Wi-Fi in the elevator itself. It's like you're there!

See Shia LaBeouf through his career:

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