Little possum rescued from bleak toilet paper dispenser home

Abandoned Baby Possum Finds Comfort Clinging to Toy Animal
Abandoned Baby Possum Finds Comfort Clinging to Toy Animal

Thanks to the rangers at an Australian park, a possum no longer has to live its life inside a sad restroom stall.

At Yarra Bend Park in Melbourne, a ranger received an unusual message from the park's cleaners. Apparently, a possum had made its home inside an toilet roll dispenser.

See also: Woman finds a possum family chilling in her closet


Image: facebook parks victoria

Because this is no way for a possum to live, the park rangers quickly took action.

"Needless to say, the possum was evicted and has been set up in new, more spacious accommodation," they wrote on Facebook.


Image: facebook parks victoria

Enjoy your new home, tiny bathroom possum.

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