Rubio: I'll beat Clinton without any coin flips

Rubio: I Can Beat Hillary Clinton and I Won't Need a Coin Flip
Rubio: I Can Beat Hillary Clinton and I Won't Need a Coin Flip

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida said Tuesday that he's got the momentum after his strong third-place finish in Monday's Iowa caucuses — and wouldn't need a coin flip to beat Hillary Clinton in the general election.

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Kicking off his New Hampshire primary campaign at an enthusiastic rally in Exeter, Rubio called Clinton's collection of at least six deadlocked Iowa delegates through coin flips with Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont "unreal."

"That's unbelievable," Rubio said. "They flip a coin? If I am our nominee, we are going to beat Hillary Clinton, and it's not going to be by the flip of a coin."

See photos from Rubio's campaign:

Rubio didn't respond to criticism from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in an interview with NBC News that he is "the boy in the bubble" who doesn't answer questions or deviate from his pre-written speeches.

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But asked about the remarks in an interview with NBC News earlier in the day, Rubio said: "It's been a tough couple of days for Chris and for some of the other guys. They are not doing very well, and some people react badly sometimes to adversity."
