Mom illegally treats 3-year-old daughter with cannabis oil


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Posted by Sweet Small Remedy on Monday, January 18, 2016

Throughout the country parents are using cannabis oil to help with illnesses in children. In some states, however, it can also bring criminal punishment.

One Utah mom is currently coming under fire for choosing to illegally treat her 3-year-old daughter with cannabis oil.

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Sarah Ellett's 3-year-old daughter Remie is severely disabled and suffers from thyroid disease, respiratory issues and digestive problems that require a feeding tube. Sarah gives Remie two small drops of cannabis oil a day to keep her walking and pain free.

Remie's mom Sarah told PEOPLE that "the cannabis oil is a miracle."

"It's what is giving her a good quality of life. The very first day Remie had it, she walked on her own for the first time. It's helped balance her blood sugar, controlled her nausea and enabled her to move her jaw, chew and swallow. Because of this oil, she's achieving milestones that we never thought possible," said Sarah.

Although Sarah says the cannabis oil is helping Remie thrive, the family recently received a visit from Utah Division of Child and Family Services.

"They told me they needed to make sure that Remie wasn't in any danger," Sarah told PEOPLE. "I told them they would have to leave and talk to my lawyer. They were polite and said they were sorry they had to be there, but it did cause me concern. My biggest worry is being unable to continue to treat Remie without being in violation of Utah law. There are a lot of risks there."

Ellet is now considering moving her family to a state where marijuana is legal.

Utah Division of Child and Family Services officials were not able to comment on Ellet's situation.

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