The 5 emotional stages of moving in to a new apartment

Moving Day Blues Made Fun
Moving Day Blues Made Fun

Moving is perhaps one of life's most bittersweet transitions. Your emotions can go from high to low, and the uncertainty of so much can either leave you feeling eager and ready or nervous and beaten down. Ether way, you're riding a roller-coaster ride of change.

Here are the 5 main emotional stages you go through when you move in to a new apartment. And not to ruin the ending, but you usually end up, in on way or another at peace.

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1. Excitement

Everything about your new apartment is absolutely amazing. It's so charming, so quaint, it has so much character. It's perfect. You love all of its little flaws, like the way the front door squeaks the tiniest bit right before you close it or that little paint chip missing from right over the microwave.

You love familiarizing yourself with all of your apartment's quirks and can only imagine yourself having nothing but the best years of your life here. Think of all the dinner parties and Friday nights and Netflix sessions and everything that you'll have there! EVERYTHING will be fun!

You snapchat your friends pictures of your closet with the caption "so much space" because you can't believe you can hang 10 whole sweaters! What a luxury. The location is so perfect and close to all of your friends, you can pretty much walk to them. The amenities are great too; you absolutely can't wait to use the gym every night when you get back from work (you can't believe it's free for residents!).

When the work day is done, all you want to do is head back to your new place and spend time there.

You probably should start decorating soon but let's be honest, your pad's pretty much perfect so it doesn't really need much of anything.

A room full of packing boxes and a laptop
A room full of packing boxes and a laptop


2. Anxiety/Feeling Overwhelmed

Okay, how much longer can you realistically live without a couch in the living area? One day? A week? And what are you going to do about organizing the bills that keep flooding in—none of these people even live here anymore so why is their junk mail still coming through!

What if you don't have enough to pay rent this month? When is your payday anyway?

This morning, you read that it's supposed to snow tomorrow. You're supposed to meet your friend from high school for a drink, how are you going to get there? You can't walk all the way there in the snow and forget driving all together. A bus, maybe? But you have the worst sense of direction. Why did you pick a place so far from all of the places everyone likes to go to?

Yesterday, you were heating up a soup and now you can't stop thinking about that missing spot of paint by the microwave, that needs to be fixed immediately.

Half of your stuff is still in boxes, the rest is thrown everywhere because not all of your furniture is set up. It's gotten to the point now that the thought of actually beginning to go through the process of ordering and assembling furniture, cleaning, and fixing things is so overwhelming that you'd rather crawl into a ball under your kitchen counter and kind of softly whimper.

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3. Apathy

You tripped over the same box today four different times. Cool.

The kitchen's a disaster and you don't feel like washing the dishes so it looks like you're ordering in again for dinner. Party. You've slept on the couch the last two nights because you're too lazy to change your sheets and finish buying pillows and other bedding.

You've worn the same sweater to work two days in a row and hope that no one notices because the rest of your clothes are still inside in one of the boxes you haven't unpacked yet.

Your place looks something like a mix between a college dorm room and the stock room of an Ikea store. You think the faucet in the bathroom might be starting to leak but you're not in a hurry to investigate. Ignorance is bliss at this point.

Maybe you'll just be one of those people who simplify their design scheme, with one frame on the wall, very minimalistic. Why would you think that you'd ever want to waste your time and money on decorating?

Honestly, everything is fine just the way it is. It's livable, moderately, which is really all that matters to you at this point. It doesn't need to be one of those model, nice looking apartments. Just leave it as is.

4. Determination

Actually, you know what, no. This was once your dream apartment, the place that was made for you and only you. Sure it has its flaws but all great things do, right?

No more sitting around and accepting that this is the nicest it will ever look, the cleanest it will ever be, and the most organized you'll ever be able to get it to.

You'll start small, by doing the dishes. Then every day after work you'll unpack a box or bag at a time and start getting everything put together.

You can't live in transition anymore; it needs to start feeling like a home. Your home. Now you're armed with a plan. It's different than that initial honeymoon excitement you felt when you first moved in. Now it's more practical.

Your goal is to have somewhere functional, livable, and put-together.

Couple carrying armchair up stairs
Couple carrying armchair up stairs


5. Pride
You're not quite sure how but you managed to get it all done. Everything is folded or hung, put in to drawers, closets, and cabinets.

Everything is as neat as it can be, but obviously there's still some stuff that needs work. You're not living out of bags and boxes anymore. You feel settled.

You're back to liking that little missing spot of paint over the microwave not because you think it's cute and quirky, but because it's familiar, it's what you know.

It feels warm and comforting when you come home after work and after a long day or happy hour, you love curling up in to your bed (that you assembled with the help of two of your friends) and dozing off.

You're proud of what you've accomplished, how you've gone from searching for apartments online to finding a great one to moving in to this.

You did it, and you're ready for every wonderful, awful and in-between memory that you'll make here.

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