Mother of autistic boy gets unexpected note from a stranger at diner

Mother Of Autistic Boy Gets Unexpected Note From A Stranger At Diner
Mother Of Autistic Boy Gets Unexpected Note From A Stranger At Diner

Children can act unpredictably at restaurants, leaving parents frustrated and often not knowing quite what to do.

Lauren Nordberg of Washington is incredibly grateful for the kindness a stranger showed her when her son, who has autism, had a meltdown in a busy restaurant.

While waiting for food at The Madison Diner, the 6-year-old boy began to scream, so she took him outside until the food was ready.

After they were done with their meal, Nordberg asked for the check and was told it had been covered. She was also given a note reading, "Have a great day! You are doing a wonderful job! God bless ... From a mother who knows."

Nordberg posted the message on Facebook, writing, "There is good in the world and this mama is thankful for the kindness of strangers."

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Posted by Lauren Copp Nordberg on Monday, January 18, 2016

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