Here's how to turn your smartphone into the ultimate fitness tracker


Wahoo TICKR Heart Rate Monitor for iPhone & Android, $59.39, available at Amazon.

January is notoriously the biggest commitment month for New Year's resolutions. So if you're one of the many who are hoping to make fitness a bigger priority for 2016, know you don't have to do it alone. There's a number of tools out on the market that can help you out as you conquer your New Year's goals.

But first thing is first: assessing your current physical fitness state is a must. This will help you keep better track of your progress throughout the year. And the easiest way to do this is with heart-rate monitoring. When done correctly, a heart rate tracker is an accurate indicator of your health and can help you begin to take control and better manage your workouts. And while fitness trackers like Fitbits are normally worn around the wrist, a more ideal fit is around the chest.

This is what Wahoo TICKR Hearth Rate Monitor taps into. The chest-worn monitor synchs up to your iPhone or Android device, and gives you the ability to easily see your heart rate and training zone, so you know when you've been hitting your workout stride. Combined with the app, the monitor also lets you personalize workouts and gives you more insight into burning off those holiday calories. It's basically your own virtual personal trainer.

And with the device newly markdown to a hair under $60, it might be just the motivation you need to stick with your resolution all year long.

Need more fitness inspiration? Scroll through the gallery below and head over to the AOL Shop to see the latest in workout gear.

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