Pictures of food uploaded by Kanvas users that will make your mouth water

Pictures of food uploaded by Kanvas users that will make your mouth water

One of the biggest perks of people expressing their every moment all over social media is that we get to see what amateur foodies are having for breakfast, lunch and dinner. What's better than scrolling through Snapchat, Instagram or Kanvas only to find delicious pictures of food and at least 10 new restaurants to add to your bucket list?

Several social media gurus took to Kanvas, the new popular app that allows users to create art, videos and much more, to make our mouths water.

Express yourself with Kanvas! Download the app to live stream and add gifs and effects to video!

Korean barbecue conquers all:

If eating pizza like this is foolish, we don't want to be smart:

Breakfast + lunch = brunch = bliss:

Even though these donuts aren't holey, we still worship them:

Life is short, order dessert:

Life is long, spend more time eating cake:

If we woke up to breakfast like this every day, we'd stop complaining about mornings:

Warning: Overload of deliciousness may be too much to handle:

In case you didn't get the picture, this is how we feel about food:

Stay hungry.

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