Obama town hall on gun violence to air on CNN

Obama To Participate In Town Hall On Guns
Obama To Participate In Town Hall On Guns

President Obama is taking America's debate on gun control to a town hall discussion, with the POTUS set to participate in "Guns in America," hosted by Anderson Cooper, on Jan. 7 on CNN, the news network announced Sunday.

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The town hall meeting comes after several large shootings, from the Paris attacks abroad to the San Bernardino shooting, occurred in the past year. It will take place at the George Mason University in Virginia, with a live audience representing different sides of the debate.

Obama will field questions from both Cooper and the audience in the discussion.

The President has often spoken out about gun control following large shootings, but with little action coming out of the Congress. Obama is expected to issue an executive order on background checks.

"Each time this happens, I am going to say that we can actually do something about it, but we're going to have to change our laws," he said in a recent speech on the string of mass shootings.

RELATED: See Obama addressing the nation after mass shootings during his time in office:

Ahead of Thursday's debate, Obama is also set to meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to discuss plans for stricter gun restrictions in America.

"Guns in America" will air at 8 p.m. EST Jan. 7 on CNN.
